Cameron Yee

Full-Stack Developer
555-123-4567email@example.comNew York,


GeneralJavaScriptPythonPHP / HackGitMercurialML
Front-endReactFlux / ReduxRelayGraphQLHTMLCSS
Back-endNodeExpress / RESTPostgreSQLAuthSocketsRPC
Third PartyHerokuAWSGoogleAPIsOAuthPubNub
UtilityMachine LearningFull-text SearchForm ValidationRich Text EditingPush Notifications
MediaWeb Audio APIWebGLThreejsAframeAnalyserNode
PlatformWebMobile WebiOSAndroidCloud


Software Engineer at Meta Instagram and Facebook Web July 2017 - Feb 2023
  • Lead dozens of engineers on consolidation of Instagram Web and Facebook Web Infrastructure
  • Drove facebook web ad rendering and testing efforts increasing web revenue by 10%+ ($100Ms)
  • Ran completion of web comment interface rewrite as precursor to the React rewrite
  • Developed insights and analyses and coordinated across dozens of stakeholders and teams
  • Pioneered engineering culture on Instagram Web and steered company DEI club Mixed@
Creator of Flybox Email & Messaging Hybrid Platform July 2016 - July 2017
  • Designed and built responsive SPA in React for desktop web, mobile web, iOS, and Android
  • Constructed Node API with PubNub for push notifications and real-time updates between clients
  • Architected data model and synchronization logistics for an email compatible message platform
  • Leveraged AWS S3 to replace email attachments with secure file hosting feature
Freelance Engineer Unbubble Project and Placed App Jan 2017 - July 2017
  • Created powerful React sugar library to accelerate and simplify development of a hybrid SPA
  • Built lightweight JS to CSS transpiler with PostCSS integration and flexible media query handles
  • Extended web app created with a home rolled reactive framework for dual mode resume browsing
  • Maintained Python machine learning algorithm for classifying attachments as resumes
Software Engineer at Nomic Recruiting Platform Startup April 2015 - July 2016
  • Owned internal tool development and worked on multiple web apps built with reactive framework
  • Made contributions to UI and feature design for handling recruiting candidate pipelines
  • Interviewed and lead new hires through onboarding, pair programming, and code review
Research Assistant in Garmire Lab Bioinformatics Labplos.orgMay 2013 - August 2013
  • Co-authored pilot study to find correlations between breast cancer subtypes and genes of interest
  • Programmed algorithms in R and Perl to run statistical tests to find correlations in genomic data


Vyz MacOS Music
Enviz Machine Learning Powered Image
Braincryption Software Driven Visual
(More Projects and Sources on GitHub)


Code Fellows: Full-Stack JavaScriptFall 2014
University of Washington: Bachelor of Science in Neurobiology (3.7)2010 - 2014 from scratch with yeezyhtml
Cameron Yee
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Hey there! Looks like you found my keywords :) Here's all the stuff I couldn't fit on the page. Feel free to ask me about any of it! JavaScript Node Java Test e2e Front-end Back-end Full-Stack Heroku AWS GoogleAPIS API Web App Make Grunt Gulp Webpack Browserify Compile AJAX Socket Image File Upload I/O Cloudinary S3 Algorithm Data Model Bioinformatics Mining Big Data Machine Learning PubNub Linting Isomorphic Email Project Management Hiring Interviewing Code Challenge Code Program GitHub Git Code Review Pair Program Lightning Talk Buffer Promise Stream Observable Function Funcitonal Object-Oriented Emacs Lisp Vim Scala Python Template Handlebars HTML CSS LESS SASS SCSS React Angular SPA JQuery Cordova iOS Android Electron Desktop Mobile Responsive SVG Route Routing Animation Transition Form Valid Validation Push Notification Chat Status Embedly WYSIWYG Search Typeahead Autocomplete Design Sketch Font Icon Chrome Mozilla Safari Extension Architecture Compatible Compatibility Node NPM NVM Express REST CRUD Auth OAuth PostgreSQL MongoDB ERD Entity Relationship Relational Diagram Full-text Migration Util Encryption Neurobiology Neural Integrate Integration Server-side Rendering Cluster Performance Debug Middleware Permission Allow Behavior Driven Develop Engineer Software R Regression Linear Algebra Pull Request Commit Isomorphic Superagent Request Log Build Package JSON Email Messaging Recruit Candidate SQL NoSQL Query View Controller Service Lib Bash Command Line CLI Website Resume Gmail Platform Mocha Chai Travis MEAN Continuous Real-time Style Disrupt Deep Convolutional Network Genomics Threejs WebGL Aframe Nightwatch End-to-End Audio Analyser Selenium Babel VR 3D Chromedriver XCode Eclipse Simulator Emulator Studio