BasicsConfiguration: Understanding HyptiotesExample: Hooks (DOM API)Example: Observable (DOM API)Example: Hyptiotes x ReactExample: Demo Wrapper (Markup)
// Script for generation of example wrapper markup using Hyptiotes // path hack to expose otherwise aliased ./hyptiotes.js inside example sources process.env.NODE_PATH = __dirname; require("module").Module._initPaths(); // end path hack const hyptiotes = require("hyptiotes"); const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const configuration = require("./configuration"); const fromTemplate = require("./fromTemplate"); const EXAMPLES = require("./Examples"); hyptiotes.setElementInitializer(configuration.elementInitializer); hyptiotes.setItemHandlers(configuration.itemHandlers); hyptiotes.setAttributeHandlers(configuration.attributeHandlers); hyptiotes.setElementFinalizer(configuration.elementFinalizer); EXAMPLES.forEach((example) => { const markup = "<!DOCTYPE html>" + hyptiotes.castWeb(fromTemplate(example)); fs.writeFileSync( path.join(__dirname, "../../public/" + + ".html"), markup ); }); console.log("HTML files genereated");
// Configure hyptiotes for markup (string) generation module.exports = { elementInitializer: hyptiotes.PLUGINS.initiateElementObject, itemHandlers: [ hyptiotes.PLUGINS.skipEmpty, hyptiotes.PLUGINS.invokeFunction, hyptiotes.PLUGINS.textToChild, hyptiotes.PLUGINS.nestedToChild, hyptiotes.PLUGINS.childListsToChildren, ], attributeHandlers: [ hyptiotes.PLUGINS.styleToAttributeString, hyptiotes.PLUGINS.functionToBoundFunctionString, hyptiotes.PLUGINS.forwardAttribute, ], elementFinalizer: hyptiotes.PLUGINS.elementObjectToString, };
const EXAMPLES = require("./Examples"); // Load JS syntax highlighter const hljs = require("highlight.js/lib/core"); hljs.registerLanguage( "javascript", require("highlight.js/lib/languages/javascript") ); // Example page markup defined as array tree module.exports = function fromTemplate({ name, id, bundled, sources }) { return [ ":html", [ ":head", [":title", "Hyptiotes " + name + " Example"], [ ":style", hyptiotes.PLUGINS.styleObjectToCSS({ body: { background: "#009688", fontFamily: "system-ui", }, "#main-content": { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", alignItems: "center", }, pre: { tabSize: 2, whiteSpace: "pre-wrap", padding: "12px", background: "#222", borderRadius: "4px", color: "white", boxShadow: "5px 5px 5px black", }, }), ], [ ":link", { rel: "stylesheet", href: "", }, ], ], [ ":body", [ ":div", { style: { display: "flex", margin: "10px 0" } },{ name, id: exampleId }) => { return [ ":a", { href: "./" + exampleId + ".html", style: { ...(id === exampleId ? { background: "#fff", color: "#444", } : { background: "#444", color: "white", }), borderRadius: "4px", marginLeft: "15px", padding: "8px 12px", textDecoration: "none", }, }, name, ]; }), ], [ ":div", { style: { display: "flex", alignItems: "flex-start" } }, [ ":div", { style: { flexGrow: "1" } }, midText("Sources"),{ name, val }) => { return CodeBlock(name, val); }), ], bundled ? [ ":div", { style: { flexGrow: 1, maxWidth: "800px", position: "sticky", top: 0, }, }, midText(name + " Rendered"), [ ":div", { id: "root", style: { margin: "12px", padding: "40px 20px", border: "1px solid black", borderRadius: "10px", background: "white", }, }, ], [":script", { src: "./" + id + ".bundle.js" }], ] : null, ], ], ]; }; function midText(text) { return [ ":div", { style: { textAlign: "center", margin: "10px" } }, [ ":span", { style: { background: "yellow", padding: "4px 6px", borderRadius: "4px", }, }, text, ], ]; } function CodeBlock(name, code) { return [ ":pre", { class: "code", style: { position: "relative", margin: "12px" } }, [ ":div", { style: { position: "absolute", top: 0, right: 0, padding: "8px", background: "black", fontSize: "14px", }, }, name, ], [":code", hljs.highlight(code, { language: "javascript" }).value], ]; }
Full Configuration
{ "elementInitializer": (tag) => ({ tag, attributes: {}, children: [] }), "itemHandlers": [ { "test": (item) => item === null || item === undefined, "handler": () => {} }, { "test": (item) => typeof item === "function", "handler": ({ item, parent, index, hyptiotes }) => { hyptiotes.mapItem(item({ parent, hyptiotes }), parent, index); } }, { "test": (item) => typeof item === "string", "handler": ({ item, parent }) => { parent.children.push(item); } }, { "test": (item) => Array.isArray(item) && typeof item[0] === "string" && item[0][0] === ":", "handler": ({ item, parent, hyptiotes }) => { const nested = hyptiotes.castWeb(item); if (nested) parent.children.push(nested); } }, { "test": (item) => Array.isArray(item) && (typeof item[0] !== "string" || item[0][0] !== ":"), "handler": ({ item, parent, hyptiotes }) => { item.forEach((i) => { parent.children.push(hyptiotes.mapItem(i, parent, hyptiotes)); }); } } ], "attributeHandlers": [ { "test": (key) => key === "style", "handler": ({ value, parent }) => { = stringifyStyleObject(value); } }, { "test": (_, value) => typeof value === "function", "handler": ({ key, value, parent }) => { let handlerName = "_hyptiotes_handler_" + functionLUID++; window.handlerName = value; parent.attributes[key] = handlerName + "()"; } }, { "test": () => true, "handler": ({ key, value, parent }) => { parent.attributes[key] = value; } } ], "elementFinalizer": ({ tag, attributes, children }) => { const elementName = tag.slice(1); // take off ':' return `<${elementName} ${stringifyAttributes(attributes)}>${children.join( "" )}</${elementName}>`; } }